Saturday, April 16, 2011


Bossypants by Tina Fey

I saw Tina Fey walking down 6th Avenue while listening to the Bossypants audiobook. Surreal. Like a good New Yorker, I did not scare the crap out of her by proclaiming "Tina Fey! I'm listening to your audiobook! And it's hilarious!" I just kept walking and am instead hoping that she compulsively Googles herself and will come across this blog post, thereby knowing that I exist. Wait, no one does that?

That's not really what happened. No, I don't mean that I saw Tina Fey and, because I have only lived in New York for three years and am still mastering my "I'm so bored and in a hurry so get out of my way because I have somewhere important to be" look (it is getting pretty good), then accosted her because I was listening to her audiobook. I mean that I've never seen Tina Fey walking down 6th Avenue, or ever. I did see Jason Sudeikis one time (and smiled at him like a moron before I realized who he was), who plays Joe Biden to Fey's Sarah Palin, and therefore is related to this post.

I did also listen to the Bossypants audiobook and highly recommend it. Sure, you could read the dialogue spoken by the cruise director on Fey's honeymoon, OR you could listen to her impression of the cruise director on her honeymoon. Both are hilarious, but only one will have the guy walking past you in the hallway between the 4/5/6 and Times Square shuttle in Grand Central think you are crazy because you are laughing so hard. And maybe because you snorted. Whatever.

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