Sunday, September 3, 2017

Summer Reading

This book is brilliant, funny, thoughtful, and thought-provoking. Upon finishing the audiobook (narrated by West herself), I was honestly tempted to start again from the beginning (something I thought when I finished Tina Fey's Bossypants, which I've now read multiple times). I highly recommend it. 

The Sound of Gravel: A Memoir by Ruth Wariner 
I've read a lot of raised in polygamy memoirs (seriously), and this is by far the best. It is beautifully written, the story is heartbreaking, and the ending is hopeful. This is one of the best memoirs I've ever read. 

I learned, when I was almost finished, that I am NOT the target audience for this book (women 18-25) and concurred -- this was not a good book for me. I love Mindy Kaling's writing, and though this book is very obviously modeled on Kaling's style, it falls short (for me). 

The Case for Impeachment by Allan J. Lichtman 
I finished this book in early June, and in what is our new normal feels like a lifetime ago (administration-wise). It felt out of date at the time and would feel even more so at this point. If you've been avoiding current events and don't know much about past presidential impeachments, it is an informative read (though out of date). 

Attempting Elizabeth by Jessica Grey 
This book was included in my KindleUnlimited subscription (that I have since cancelled because I don't think I was using it enough to justify the cost), and I don't think I would have read it otherwise. As always, I enjoy Jane Austen spinoffs, and this premise is unlike others I've read. A silly, fun read. 

My husband and I listened to this audiobook during our five week twenty-one state RV road trip (a trip our marriage very happily survived). I enjoyed the premise (traveling the world to learn about how different cultures approach marriage), but felt the book lacked the deep cultural dives I was expecting and relied too heavily on the author's personal experience. My husband was happy when it ended. 

We are almost finished with Al Franken, Giant of the Senate and are nowhere close to finishing The Eye of the World (which I'm even further behind on, as husband has read it before and I kept falling asleep ... :\). Next road trip! 

I've been re-reading the Harry Potter series (again. For the ?? time) and finished Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and Half-Blood Prince between Memorial Day and Labor Day.