Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Shopaholic's latest installment

Mini Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella

I'm not sure how many people are still reading the Shopaholic series, but I will admit that silly girly books are a guilty pleasure for me. For those of you that have read any of these, Mini Shopaholic follows the established formula: Becky Brandon (nee Bloomwood) is addicted to shopping and because of INSERT OBSTACLE (no money, a promise she has made to her family and friends to cute back and/or wear everything in her wardrobe before she buys something new), which she overcomes with loopholes (now she has a daughter to shop for! And of course her husband is super wealthy!). And there is always something she is hiding from everyone, which makes her look suspicious even if she isn't really shopping. It is difficult to sympathize with Becky. She is selfish, irresponsible, and wait -- can we talk about her husband and her friends and family? I'm a big fan of unconditional love but these people are enablers. Sure, it makes for a more suspenseful story, but reading these kind of stress me out.

Am I going to read the next inevitable installment? Probably. Yes, even though I know that the quality of each subsequent addition is going to be a lesser of its predecessor and Becky is apparently never going to grow up or take responsibility for her actions.

Sophie Kinsella's stand-alone novels are much better, especially Can You Keep A Secret?

Oh, in case you were wondering, yes, Mini Shopaholic does include the sex scene passage where Becky pretends to be coy and then tells you everything anyway.

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